The Best Birthday Party ever! A very special thank you to my daughter Jamiann and her husband Michael for making it happen!
Also a very special thank you to my daughter Jen, and granddaughter Emily for their help, my sister Ruth Ann, cousin
Paula, cousin Kathy, friends Erin, Cynthia, Heather, and Kathy for bringing their delicious contributions to the food, and
helping in the preparation back in the kitchen!
With a grateful heart my 60th birthday bash was such a wonderful experience because of all of the great family and friends
that showed up to make it so very special. Getting to see all six grandchildren having such a great time, and knowing that
7 year old Jacob just took over in the clean up duties, sweeping floors and taking out the trash. I also have been so
blessed to have family and friends who were not able to make it, but sent me cards, gifts, and sentimental wishes!
One of the greatest gifts of being able to have made it through life to celebrate such a landmark birthday is knowing that
my life has been blessed by so many!